Software and Systems Verification - Hírek

SWSV: checking the 3rd exam

The preliminary grades for the third exam have been entered into Neptun.

The graded exams can be checked at 13:30-14:00 on 23 January in the IB419 room.

If someone passed the exam, then there is the possibility to have a short oral exam on the spot to improve the final grade (+1/-1 grade).

If someone wants to check the exam outside the above period, please contact the lead instructor in e-mail, and suggest possible dates for the beginning of the next week.

SWSV: checking the 2nd exam

The preliminary grades for the second exam have been entered into Neptun.

The graded exams can be checked at 12:00-13:00 on 20 January in the IB419 room.

If someone passed the exam, then there is the possibility to have a short oral exam on the spot to improve the final grade (+1/-1 grade).

If someone wants to check the exam outside the above period, please contact the lead instructor in e-mail, and suggest possible dates for the beginning of the next week.

SWSV: checking the 1st exam

The preliminary grades for the first exam have been entered into Neptun.

The grade intervals have been slightly updated (see the bottom of the Requirements page, e.g. excellent is now from 0.8 instead of 0.85).

The graded exams can be checked at 13:00-14:00 on 10 January in the IB419 room.

If someone passed the exam, then there is the possibility to have a short oral exam on the spot to improve the final grade (+1/-1 grade). Tovább »

SWSV: HA3 results and signature

The results of HA3 have been published to the teams' wiki.

Signature have been published to Neptun.

Please chekc both of them, and if you have any question, please contact the lead instructor before 12:00 Wednesday.


SWSV: Consultation lecture

The last lecture of the semester will be a consultation session.

If anyone has a question about the homeworks or labs, please come to the lecture.

The exam will have a theoretical and a practical part (see the course's requirements).

Sample practical exercises for the exam have been uploaded to the course's materials.

SWSV: LAB5 new virtual machine in cloud

We created a new virtual machine for LAB5 in the KIFÜ-NIIF cloud with the name SWSV-2019-LAB5.

It has Eclipse, Yakindu, Viatra and Gamma installed.

Unfortunately recently Yakindu changed its licensing, and without a valid license the state models cannot be edited. But it is not required for the lab exercise, because you should work on the Gamma models and descriptors.

SWSV: HA3 project update

There is an issue about Project updates in HA3. A command was missing from the description. Before any of the listed commands, first install the project into the local Maven repository with

mvn install -DskipTests

After that there will be a core folder with the main pom, and you can use the commands listed in the issue.

SWSV: Lab completion results

The LAB4 results have been uploaded to Moodle.

To get signiture, 5 out of 6 labs have to be completed.

Please check that 1) your results are correct in Moodle, and 2) whether you still need LAB5 to complete to get signiture.

SWSV: HA3 has been published

The third phase of the home assignment (HA3) has been published.

Goal and deadline are available on the Home assignment page.

The detailed subtasks can be found in the team's GitHub repository as issues.

SWSV: HA2 results and discussion

The results of the second home assignment for the Software and Systems Verification has been published to each team's wiki page. Please check the evaluations and feedback.

On Wednesday during the second half of the lecture, each team could discuss the results with the instructors, where questions can be asked about the evaluations face to face. 

Tartalom átvétel