MTA-BME Lendület Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group

Dániel Varró

The MTA-BME Lendület (Momentum) project started in 2015 to create new methods and tools for modelling, analysing and verifying cypber-physical systems. Main topics and contributions include the followings. Read more »

Application of Formal Methods to Verify Industrial Control Code (Theta4PLCverif)

Ákos Hajdu
István Majzik
Zoltán Micskei
Vince Molnár
Tamás Tóth
András Vörös

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and FTSRG collaborated on the architecture design and integration of an automated tool serving for formal verification of the source code of Programmable Logic Controllers developed by process control engineers. Read more »

Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems (R5-COP)

István Majzik

R5-COP focuses on agile manufacturing paradigms and specifically on modular robotic systems. Based on existing and newly developed methods for a formal modeling of hardware and software components, R5-COP will support model-based design, engineering, validation, and fast commissioning. Using existing interface and middleware standards R5-COP will strongly facilitate integration of components from various suppliers. Read more »

Scalable Modelling and Model Management on the Cloud (MONDO)

Gábor Bergmann
Csaba Debreceni
Benedek Izsó
Gábor Szárnyas
Dániel Varró

The aim of MONDO is to tackle the increasingly important challenge of scalability in MDE by developing the theoretical foundations and an open-source cloud-based platform for scalable modeling and model management. Achieving scalability in modeling and MDE involves being able to construct large models and domain specific languages in a systematic manner, enabling teams of modelers to construct and refine large models in a collaborative manner, advancing the state-of-the-art in model querying and transformations tools so that they can cope with large models (of the scale of millions of model elements), and providing an infrastructure for efficient storage, indexing and retrieval of large models.

To address these challenges, MONDO brings together academic partners with a long track record of performing internationally-leading research on software modeling and MDE and delivering research results in the form of robust, widely-used and sustainable open-source software, industrial partners active in the wind-turbine control, soft- ware modernization, construction and modeling tool development domains, an advisory board of world-class experts in the fields of modeling and software engineering, and a global consortium including more than 300 organizations from all sectors of IT. Read more »

CErtification of CRItical Systems (CECRIS)

Ábel Hegedüs
András Pataricza

The project aims at taking a step forward in the growing field of development, verification and validation and certification of critical systems.

The project focuses on the more difficult/important points of (safety, efficiency, business, …) of critical system development, verification and validation and certification process. The scientific objectives of the project are study both the scientific and industrial state of the art methodologies for system development and the impact of their usage on the verification and validation and certification of critical systems. Moreover the project aims at developing strategies and techniques supported by automatic or semi-automatic tools and methods for these type of activities, whose cost-quality achievements are well-predictable in order to tie costs of application of techniques to the RAMS attributes level achieved by the product being tested. The project will draw-up guidelines to support engineers during the planning of the verification & validation phases.

According to the nature of an PEOPLE-IAPP project, the researchers involved will have the opportunity to move from their company and university to partners’ offices in a different country in order to share their expertise and absorb new knowledge in the field of the Certification of HW and SW Systems, develop new competences and integrate their new know-how back to their home companies and universities.

This synergic approach will define novel approaches and methods bringing together scientific and industrial knowledge that is currently fragmented and resides in different organizations and researchers. Read more »

Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core systems (CONCERTO)

Ákos Horváth
András Pataricza
Dániel Varró

Emerging embedded systems platforms harnessing new heterogeneous, multicore architectures to enable the next generation of powerful mission-critical applications are demanding across-the-board advances in all areas of design and development to fulfil their promise. The integration of component-based design with model-drivendevelopment creates a potent combination especially capable of mastering the complexity of these new systems.

CONCERTO will deliver a reference multi-domain architectural framework for complex, highly concurrent, and multi-core systems, where non-functional properties (including real-time, dependability, and energy management) will be established for individual components, derived for the overall system at design time, andpreserved by construction and monitoring at run-time.
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Study and Development of Model Transformation Methods Applied to the Design of Integrated Modular Avionics Systems (Trans-IMA)

Ákos Horváth
Ábel Hegedüs
Dániel Varró

Trans-IMA aims at defining a model-driven approach for the synthesis of complex, integrated Matlab Simulink models capable of simulating the software and hardware architecture of an airplane. It has two main goals: (i) define a model-driven development process for allocating software functions captured as Simulink models over different hardware architectures and (ii) develop its
supporting tooling platform for executing the defined process.

The tooling for Trans-IMA is based on the Eclipse platform and heavily relies on the EMF-IncQuery and its related query based technologies.

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Design and Analysis Techniques for Certifiable Model Transformations (CertiMoT)

Ákos Horváth
Gábor Bergmann
Ábel Hegedüs
Zoltán Ujhelyi
Dániel Varró

The main objective of the CERTIMOT project is to enable certification for model transformations used in critical systems and service design. Novel models, languages, techniques and tools will be developed to systematically design, generate, verify and trace model transformation artifacts required in a certification process. As a long term vision, CERTIMOT results will significantly reduce efforts required to certify model transformations and qualify model transformation and code generation tools.

  • Requirements analysis techniques and tools for transformations. Specification and analysis techniques and tools for capturing high-level MT requirements and detecting conflicting requirements will be proposed. As a long-term vision, transformation requirements can be precisely stated and traced during transformation design.
  • Automated generation techniques for runtime model transformation programs. Automatic program synthesis techniques will be developed for the generation of runtime transformation plugins. As a long term vision, efficient model transformation programs of guaranteed will be available for multiple target platforms.
  • Verification and validation techniques and tools for model transformations. A systematic approach will be proposed for verification activities for model transformations using formal methods and testing as analysis means. Innovative tools will be developed to support verification and validation of model transformations. In our long-term vision, these tools enable the efficient development of high-quality model transformations.

e-Freight - Eurpoean e-Freight capabilities for Co-modal transport

András Kövi
András Pataricza
Dániel Varró

The e-Freight project will facilitate the use of different transport modes on their own and in combination to obtain an optimal and sustainable utilisation of European freight transport resources.

With the help of e-Freight:

  • Transport users (shippers, freight forwarders, etc) will be able to identify and use direct or combined transport services most suited for their purpose.
  • Transport service providers in all modes will provide information about their service offerings and exchange information electronically with all relevant actors through planning, executing and completing transport operations.
  • Transport infrastructure providers will be able to facilitate the best possible use of the complete transport infrastructure and support transport users by providing relevant information about the available transport infrastructure and how to use it.
  • Transport regulators will be able to obtain in the simplest possible way the required information for monitoring compliance with applicable regulations, and to exchange information with other authorities for collaboration in security and environmental risk management.

The project will provide an e-Freight platform supporting the design, development, deployment and maintenance of e-Freight Solutions which will be validated in business cases and pilots involving representatives from all relevant stakeholders in surface transport including large and small businesses and authorities. Read more »

Resilient Reasoning Robotic Co-operating Systems (R3-COP)

István Majzik
Zoltán Micskei
Balázs Polgár
Zoltán Szatmári
András Vörös

Autonomous systems are one of the important instantiations of embedded systems in middle-range future, simply because the application domains are extremely manifold, from household to transportation and manufacturing, etc. Consequently, Autonomous Systems were identified as one of the targets of the ARTEMIS SRA.

Today a large number of different approaches and platforms exist, rendering an economic realisation of such systems currently inefficient (besides the manufacturing domain, where robots are already industrially exploited). Simultaneously, as such systems increasingly share environment and even closely cooperate with humans, there is an urgent need for providing any possible means and measures to assert and guarantee the dependability (in particular safety and robustness) of intelligent autonomuos systems. The project aims at the elaboration of intelligent computing platform and such testing and verification methods that can be effectively used in case of complex autonomous systems. Read more »