Model-Based Testing of Service Infrastructure Components

TitleModel-Based Testing of Service Infrastructure Components
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsGönczy, L., Heckel, R., and Varró, D.
EditorPetrenko, A., Veanes, M., Tretmans, J., and Grieskamp, W.
Conference NameProc. Testing of Software and Communicating Systems, 19th IFIP TC6/WG6.1 International Conference, TestCom 2007, 7th International Workshop, TestCom/FATES 2007, Tallinn, Estonia, June 26-29, 2007
ISBN Number978-3-540-73065-1
KeywordsModel-based testing - Graph Transformation - Model Checking - Fault-Tolerant Services

We present a methodology for testing service infrastructure components described in a high-level (UML-like) language. The technique of graph transformation is used to precisely capture the dynamic aspect of the protocols which is the basis of state space generation. Then we use model checking techniques to find adequate test sequences for a given requirement. To illustrate our approach, we present the case study of a fault tolerant service broker which implements a well-known dependability pattern at the level of services. Finally, a compact Petri Net representation is derived by workflow mining techniques to generate faithful test cases in a non-deterministic, distributed environment. Note that our methodology is applicable at the architectural level rather than for testing individual service instances only.

NotesAcceptance rate: 39%